Healthy Adults Day at Northeast Cobb Family YMCA helps people reconnect post pandemic (Free: May 20)
The Northeast Cobb Family YMCA’s first annual Healthy Adults Day celebrates ways to regain connections, fill in emptiness, rebuild form and fortify overall wellness. For parents. Grandparents. Caregivers. Friends. Family. All are welcome! [REGISTER].
Join us for a free, half-day event Saturday, May 20, that features screenings from Walmart Health, demonstrations from community businesses that support the wellness of aging adults plus keynote presentations about mental health, aging in place/fall prevention and Medicare and Medicare fraud. Don’t miss our door prizes, special giveaways and breakfast and lunch!
Attendees will get a sampling of ongoing Northeast Cobb Family YMCA programs aimed at maintaining the mind, body and spirit of everyone in our community.
The pandemic challenged all of us to stay healthy, connected and sharp. As the world changed, maturing adults may have been cut off from their communities, friends and routines. That’s why there’s Healthy Adults Day. The Northeast Cobb Family Y is more than a gym. We convene the community, and everyone belongs.
Come for the day. Join for a lifetime.
When: Saturday, May 20, 8am- 2pm
Where: 3010 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta, Ga (next to Walmart, south of Shallowford Rd.)
Phone: 678.569.9622
Download, share event flyer: https://bit.ly/FlyerHealthyAdultsDay
Registration url: Bit.ly/HealthyAdultsDay2023
Class ID: 551634
Cost: Free
Event website: HealthyAdultsDay.org
Metro Atlanta YMCA link: https://bit.ly/MetroAtlantaYHealthyAdultsDayatNECobbY